May 23, 2018
As Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of Industry Affairs for the American Trucking Associations (ATA), Elisabeth Barna develops strategic direction and communications. Other duties include image and outreach advocacy for ATA, the lead organization that represents trucking industry's interests in the United States.
Recipient of the 2008 J.R. ‘Bob’ Halladay Award, she coordinates advocacy efforts for ATA with state associations and other groups to enhance the profile and image of the trucking industry. In this program, she discusses some of the present outreach and image-building efforts of ATA with politicians, community groups, state associations, as well as the importance of reaching out to younger generations. An important component of the ATA's recent initiatives involves adding a human face to the industry, reminding everyone that the person behind the wheel is a member of the community.
“We are starting to talk to the public, our public officials, the media, trying to put a face behind the wheel and a face on the industry overall. . . . it's not just a truck going down the highway. There's somebody that's behind the wheel and that somebody could be your next door neighbor. It could be your kid's soccer coach, it could be the deacon in your church.”- Elisabeth Barna