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Recruit & Retain: Trucking Edition

Apr 6, 2023

Professional golf's Masters Week was the inspiration for this episode of Recruit & Retain, during which host Chad Hendricks discusses how truck driver recruiting departments need a great short game, but the long game is what will take them farther. 

"So far I haven’t been able to find a single leader to describe to me...

Feb 6, 2023

Advertising in the truck driver recruiting industry has evolved considerably over the past 10 years – and it’s about to make another shift. But if you're wondering why you keep getting the same results, or worse, your results are not as good as they used to be with the same or higher advertising budget, this podcast...

Dec 8, 2021

If you’re wondering how to differentiate your carrier from the other trucking companies out there, have you considered trying to brand yourself as the carrier that prioritizes drivers’ sleep?  

“In this current economic climate where it is difficult to retain, recruit and maintain any workforce - health and...

Nov 17, 2021

Are you struggling to recruit and retain drivers, then don’t miss this third installment of Recruit and Retain fresh from the Iowa Motor Truck Association. 

In our third episode to discuss all things driver recruitment marketing are Leah Shaver, President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute; Brad...

Nov 3, 2021

If you’re struggling to attract drivers, then don’t miss this second installment of Recruit and Retain fresh from the Iowa Motor Truck Association. 

In this episode, discussing all things driver recruitment marketing, are Leah Shaver, President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute; Brad Jones,...